Innovative Education Forum 2010

On June 24, 2010 CARDET participated in the Innovative Education Forum 2010 held by Microsoft Cyprus. Keynote speakers at the event included the Minister of Education and Culture Dr Andreas Demetriou and Mrs Androulla Vasiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth. CARDET was the only non-profit R&D center which participated with its own booth. Members of our team presented samples of our work and current projects including Design Practice (LDV TOI) and Raising Awareness on Development Cooperation (

CARDET researchers were responsible to demonstrate Microsoft Surface,  a revolutionary multi-touch computer from Microsoft, which offers a unique gathering place where multiple users can collaborate and interact with data and with each other simultaneously.


Dr. Vrasidas presents to the Minister of Education and Culture CARDET projects.

 Mrs Androulla Vasiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth

Dr. Vrasidas Discusses with Mrs Androulla Vasiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth

Cypriot Students’ Perceptions of Immigrants

CARDET in cooperation with the consultancy firm INNOVADE LI LTD have been granted the project “Research on Cypriot Students’ Perceptions with Regards to Immigrants”. The project was awarded to the consortium following an open call for proposals  from the Civil Registry and Migration Department of the Ministry of  Interior, under the European Integration Fund, as part of the Solidarity Funds. The project is co-funded by the EU Solidarity Funds (75%) and the Republic of Cyprus (25%). The objective of this research project is to investigate and explore the perceptions and attitudes of Cypriot students in primary and secondary schools with respect to immigrants (Third Country Nationals). The results of the project will be of value to the Civil Registry and Migration Department, as well as other organizations involved in migration issues.

Check back within the next few days and the full report will be available here and on the project website at

Press Conference on Migration and Asylum: Challanges and Opportunities

CARDET, in cooperation with Innovade LI Ltd., held a Press Conferencon June 29, 2010 , where the results of three research projects under the Solidarity Funds were presented. The event took place at the House of the European Union between 10:00am – 12:00pm.

The main speakers of the event were:

  • Dr Charalambos Vrasidas, Executive Director, CARDET
  • Androulla Kaminara, Head of the European Commission Representation in Cyprus
  • Tasos Georgiou, Head of the European Parliament Office in Cyprus
  • Makis Polydorou, Acting Head of the Asylum Service, Ministry of Interior
  • Christina Hadjioikonomou, Department of Registry & Migration, Ministry of Interior
  • Dr Michalinos Zembylas, Assistant Professor, Open University of Cyprus
  • Stalo Lesta, Research Associate at CARDET

During the event, the audience was given a brief overview of the three research projects completed by CARDET and Innovade:

Additionally, the results of the project “Cypriot Students’ Perceptions with Regards to Immigrants” were presented. An open discussion was held after the presentation of the results. The results of the other two projects will be disseminated by the relevant authorities after further review of the final reports.